Building a

Secure Software Development Life Cycle

Security is increasingly a critical non-functional requirement in software development, driven by both regulatory demands and the rising frequency of cyber-attacks worldwide. A secure software development life cycle makes sure security is embedded in every stage of the development process.

What we offer:

  • GAP Analysis: In an interview-based process, we identify the gaps between your current practices and your desired state and create a roadmap for closing them.
  • Automated Security Testing: We guide the selection and implementation of tools that integrate automated security testing into your CI/CD pipeline, depending on your needs.
  • Vulnerability Management: We help you build a vulnerability management process consolidating the reports from various testing tools and across different applications to keep track of findings and their remediation.


  • Developer Training: Tools are only part of the solution. The people of your organization are equally important for increasing the security of your software development. We offer basic security training based on the OWASP Top 10.